People Building Peace
OneTribe empowers local people in divided societies to build a God-centered peace from the grassroots up.

OneTribe empowers local people in divided communities to build peace that begins and continues with Christ at center. From this grassroots-up approach comes a movement of people building peace that transforms lives and communities.
Believing peace begins with the person of Jesus Christ, who through His reconciling presence in us makes possible our ongoing practice and posture of peace, OneTribe examines the many aspects of forming and building upon a durable peace.

OneTribe is present in various aspects of community life, including local schools, peace clubs, sports teams, civic forums, churches, and women's groups, among others.
Millions in war-impacted societies endure ongoing consequences of armed conflict, division - and the structural violence that perpetrates it.
Understanding and practicing a holistic, God-centered peace is pivotal to healing and building sustainable communities.
OneTribe offers a path from violent conflict and division toward a future of durable peace through radio peace programing, community peace workshops, pastoral peace training, and female empowerment through livelihood skills training.
Peaceful, unified communities are forming and growing strong from grassroots up.

OneTribe radio episodes have reached more than 25 million people in seven African countries.
Peace by Radio
Over 3,000 community leaders, pastors, and teachers have been trained to use the OneTribe program within their communities and beyond. More than 17,000 community members have participated in community workshops.
Peace in Community
OneTribe comes alongside local people in practical ways through livelihood skills training like Rejoice and Regenerate. Such empowering skills are central to holistic peace. Over 10,000 women and girls have received livelihood skills through Rejoice vocational training and over 200 community members have taken part in Regenerate training.
Peace Through Opportunity
“I decided to forgive the person that killed my family.”
– Christine

Placing peace in the hands of local people transforms lives and communities. As people begin understanding the peace of Christ as an ongoing choice and action,they realize their pivotal role in making peace central and permanent in their lives and communities. Please consider partnering with OneTribe in sharing a holistic, Christ-centered peace that transforms people, communities, and nations.