OneTribe offers local people in divided societies a roadmap from violent conflict toward a future of Christ-centered peace and opportunity. We fully believe – and have witnessed – when local people in divided societies begin grasping and practicing Christ-centered peace as a way of life, they are transformed. So often, their relationships, communities, and nations are, too.
Using a train the trainer model, OneTribe equips community leaders to examine and dialogue through peace principles from the OneTribe radio program - then explore plans for implementation. These workshops are led by teams of local leaders, pastors, and teachers who continue advancing and replicating peace as a way of life throughout conflicted communities. The trainers are also equipped to explore seven key questions that follow all peace episodes. These questions facilitate guided learning through group interactions and participation. This reinforces the objective of forming and building upon peace from within–a local, grassroots peace that can continue independent of external influences, actors, or parties. Depending on the participant population, OneTribe’s comprehensive leader’s guide and/or pastor’s guide is used as curriculum for these workshops.
“OneTribe has taught us how to live. How we can live together in the community. How to love each other. And this teaching has changed our lives. People started living together as one in the presence of God.”
- Margaret, South Sudan
“The teaching of OneTribe has changed me. Before OneTribe, I was someone who didn’t know peace. I loved fighting and I loved disagreements. OneTribe has changed me and I want to pray that OneTribe continues to change others that do not understand what peace is.”
- Isaac Bande, Bidi Bidi Refugee Camp
OneTribe’s pastoral workshops equip pastors and faith leaders with a biblical understanding of peace that uniquely begins and continues with Jesus Christ at center. These interactive gatherings encourage faith leaders to thoroughly examine, then pursue and practice ‘the things which make for peace and the building up of one another’ (Romans 14:19) in their relationships and communities. Finally, participants are empowered to equip new leaders and community members with peacebuilding principles and practices that transform local life — and beyond!
“God is using amazing leaders. And we praise God for bringing the right people at the right time to be mentored. And we see the community transformation happening in different camps. What God is doing is amazing, changing the life of people. God is joining the broken families, the broken communities, joining them together with the love of Christ through the OneTribe program.”
- Pastor Martin, OneTribe Regional Director
A Leadership Intensive
Prevent, Stop, Restore is a OneTribe leadership intensive and field guide equipping local leaders in fragile contexts to begin and continue Christ-centered, biblically-based conversations and practices addressing and preventing conflict intensification. Where violent conflict has erupted, Prevent, Stop, Restore offers prompt, collaborative steps toward de-escalation followed by a practical, grassroots approach to personal and community restoration.
“So many people are traumatized in the communities due to the war in South Sudan. They have lost courage and lost hope, but OneTribe has really impacted them in which they are now having hope that peace will come and peace will start with them.”
– Ben, OneTribe Peace Envoy, Uganda
Placing peace in the hands of local people transforms lives and communities. As people begin understanding the peace of Christ as an ongoing choice and action,they realize their pivotal role in making peace central and permanent in their lives and communities. Please consider partnering with OneTribe in sharing a holistic, Christ-centered peace that transforms people, communities, and nations.